SPam of thE Week!

Our first post comes from user Scholarships for Moms. One thing worth noting is that virtually ALL of the spammers are trying to get you to visit their site and it usually has something to do with their screen name. I don’t post these websites for obvious reasons, but you can probably infer from the names what their sites are about (like Anywho, this spam is in reference to this post regarding grapes on plates and our grape carving contest.

“My dad has been writing a book precisely on point with this blog, I have emailed him the web address so perhaps he could pick up a couple pointers. Fantastic Job.”

First off, thanks for the compliment. Second, I’m glad I’m not the only one dedicated to spreading the grape gospel. If his book is about stupid websites you can go fuck yourself.

Our second post comes to us from user Code for Newegg. It’s in reference to our latest Off the Plate feature.

“Nice to see you back. And again by having an interesting post. Financial Help.”

Thanks, it’s good to be back… I’m not sure I actually went anywhere, so don’t call it a comeback, I’ve been hear for years (well, dog years anyway).

Our last SPEW comes to us from users Kaci and Bernardo. They win joint ownership of the Honesty Prize. Their posts simply state:

“Visit my site.” and then list their sites. I find that refreshing

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