Off The Plate: The Hidden Benefit Home Improvement

We all know the obvious benefits of home improvement. Be it increased home value, improved functionality, modernizing, or just fixing something that broke, home improvement is worth the effort.

I submit to you another benefit; free puzzles. Many folks spend literally tens of dollars on puzzles of all kinds. Why waste your money when you can add value to your home, and get a free brain teaser (or two, or three!) to boot? Every project, regardless of its complexity, always has some kind freebie tossed in. Here’s a great one I had on my last project:

Like great scientific formulas, the best puzzles are simple, elegant. Can you figure out how to remove the smaller piece and replace it with the identical, undamaged small piece?

This was actually one of the easier puzzles I had on my project list (several of which required a good deal more blood and profanity). To complicate matters, this piece was included in the box. I have no idea WTF it is or where it’s supposed to go…

For the solution to this puzzle, go here.

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3 Responses to Off The Plate: The Hidden Benefit Home Improvement

  1. Worker says:

    Interesante, yo cotizaciуn en mi sitio mбs tarde.


  2. Pingback: Off The Plate – An open letter to companies that still use flat head screws | a Plate Of Grapes

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