Spam of the Week

This week’s SPEW comes to us from user “Buy Links.” Mr Links is commenting, like 90% of my bot spam, on how global warming interrupted grape Popsicle week.

“I’m impressed!!! Really informative blog post here my friend. I just wanted to comment & say keep up the quality work. I’ve bookmarked your blog just now and I’ll be back to read more in the future my friend! Also nice colors on the layout, it’s really easy on the eyes.”

First off, I’m glad to have made a friend. Particularly one who appreciates the quality of my work. You’re the first! Second, thanks or the positive comment on the colors of my site. It’s called “white” with black text with a back ground comprised of really big grapes. Interestingly, I didn’t want those grapes to be so… freakishly massive, but I lost interest in trying to fix it after about 30 seconds or so. Now, I’m glad I didn’t invest that extra 37 seconds to figure it out. I may just get that web award for design…

Finally… well, there is no finally. I started this off as a list of points and you can’t have a list with just two things and I’m too lazy to go back and rewrite it.

Maintain them comin’, my friends!

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