Guns and Tentacles (nt… big difference)


Because random things strike me at random times I carry a notepad. Often, my barely legible chicken scratches have already been done by someone else. Not so with Spiderman’s new and improved nemesis, Dr. Glocktopus. Really, what good are tentacles without guns on the ends of them? I was surprised no one did this before.

Dr. Glocktopus, now that’s bad ass!


“Good start” I thought, “but how can I expand on this?” Like you, my mind went immediately to a month-long gun and grape themed site takeover called Glocktober!

A quick Google search confirmed Glocktober was already taken… by a law enforcement group fighting juvenile diabetes? The Got Milk inspired web site needs to be seen to be believed. It’s an odd amalgamation of good causes and gun raffles. Here’s a screen grab of their homepage:



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