Site News: Back on-line, a Rowsdower sighting, and MORE!

The nice folks at Asus did the RMA on my laptop in record time, so mega-kudos to those folks. Since the site was out for a few weeks, here are a few random images…

First up, was this image of the Pope I saw from yesterday’s mass… is he dressed as Santa?

I also had time to go to a local Portland Pirates hockey game while the site was down. I had two reasons to go. First, my son loves hockey. Second, and more important, the last time I went to a Pirates game I noticed one of the players, Ryan Hollweg, looked like Rowsdower. See for yourself:

Playing for the Pirates, #11 Rowsdower!

Here he is practicing with a unprocessed hockey stick


Finally, he plays for the Portland Pirates… not these Pirates:

Move over Penzance.... wait, same thing

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