BREAKING NEWS!!!! Global warming puts a halt to National Popsicle Day

Most of the time Global Warming (cue spooky music) causes more snow, less snow, more hurricanes, less hurricanes, meteor showers, construction delays, angina, Fanta, plagues, locust swarms, and generally makes baby Jesus cry.  Now, for those of you in the North East, high temperatures can be added to  the list of unpleasantries.

It’s freakin’ hot… and I don’t like it.

I like what it did to our Popsicle even less. Witness, if you will, the devastation.

Another global warming casualty

Another Global Warming casualty

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7 Responses to BREAKING NEWS!!!! Global warming puts a halt to National Popsicle Day

  1. Jeff says:

    Nooooooooooooooooooooooo! Won’t somebody please think of the popsicles?

  2. Remy says:

    a government task force is being assembled, they will be ignoring the oil leak until they can solve the popsicle problem

  3. admin says:

    I think you mean they will CONTINUE to ignore the oil leak.

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