Random Thoughts

So I saw another one of those terrible Fiat 500 commercials featuring J-lo (or whatever she’s called these days). What’s worse than the commercials? Well, the car. Here are the issues:

  • Seats less (2) than your average couch, but is about the same size.
  • Although the gas mileage isn’t terrible (30/38) it is for a car the size of a dinner table. I have a full sized car and it gets 25/35.
  • It starts at $15,500. No, that’s not a typo.
  • Finally, to quote one of the positives on Edmunds, it has “adorable styling”.

On the plus side, if you want one, the Fiat dealers have PLENTY on the lot to choose from.

Even though I didn’t own one, I have fond memories of playing with my friend’s Commodore 64 (my first computer was one of the C64’s successors, the Amiga 1000). So, I understand the market for a retro C64… but $1,500? And why the hell does it have an Intel Core i7? Check it out here.

Speaking of old, out of date computers… why the hell are 3.5M people still paying AOL for dial-up?

Next, are we actually supposed to believe that Angela Trap is the real name of the waitress in the Red Lobster commercial? Who’s her manager, Rusty Hook?

Finally, we have the guy who’s suing the photographer that missed a few key moments of his 2003 wedding. He wants the photographer to pay to recreate the wedding (including venue, guests, etc…). Oh, minor wrinkle. His marriage already ended in divorce. That should be a fun wedding. Let’s say he wins… can his ex-wife sue so she doesn’t have to show up?Do the bride and groom have to re-wrap all the gifts? It’s stories like this that make me understand why America is in the shitter.

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