Vindication… and something disturbing x2

Came across this story the other day while waiting for a Dr.’s appointment. Vindication! Everyone looks at me funny when I mention armadillos and leprosy. Now, there’s proof.

So, while I was groping around the internet for that story to link, I came across this awesome car and it rubbed off on me. A brief description:

“Costing upwards of $1,450,000, the highly modified SUV features exclusive materials such as whale-penis leather for the seats, gold-plating for the window surrounds, gauges encrusted with diamonds and rubies and an exhaust system made from tungsten.”

Yes, whale wang leather. No word on whether these were Jewish whales and the skin was harvested and, uh, “recycled” as leather. Reminds me of this car, actually. Now, you can go back and reread my lead-in to this story on count the double entendres and mastabatory overtones.

OK, enough of that. I actually found the above story while reading this story about a $740,000 bottle of vodka that comes with, get this, a free SUV and a custom vibrator. Obviously, this is marketed towards women… on second thought, maybe not.

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