Off the Plate: Career Lines

Certain professions have access to some great one-liners. These aren’t necessarily pick up lines, rather, they’re phrases that make sense when they are uttered by said professions. You’ll get it when you start reading them…

For example, if you’re an owner of a model train store:

“If she was a train, she’d be HO scale.” You might be thinking you don’t need to be a model train shop owner, you could just go to a model train show and use the line there. Really? You go to a model train show and try and find someone who fits the HO description.

Ok, on to the next one… a male news anchor (uttered while in bed at that… special moment):

“This just in!” This one works best if you’ve got a name like Barry Wood and you work for Action News.

Finally, as the cremation operator at a local dog shelter:

“That bitch is HOT!”

Ooooh, that last one was… well, you think you can do better? Post it in the comments section!

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