That’s What I Call Having a Beer Belly

Many people enjoy alcoholic beverages from time to time, and many folks take it to the next level by making alcohol (beer, wine, bathtub mint juleps, etc…) in their very own homes. This allows you to avoid steep taxes and get the flavor juuuust right. This guy, however, is a little extreme. He’s actually brewing booze in his stomach.

You read that right… he’s making booze in his stomach.

He’s got a yeast infection that ferments carbs while he’s eating. Basically, he can get wasted eating  Twinkies and French fries.If you could figure out how to do this on purpose, you could make a killing with college students. Not to mention that you could hook up winos and know that the money you give them will actually go to food.

Down side? I know as yeast does its thing quite a bit of gas is released, so you’ll probably fart like a maniac while you’re getting wasted. Although, if you’re eating ice cream and Twinkies, your air biscuits will probably smell like Pinnacle Vodka.

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